From Digital Methods to Dishes

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Nowadays, digital strategies are a key part of many business models and workflows. They help us optimize processes, use resources more efficiently, and increase productivity. But how can these principles be applied to everyday tasks like loading and unloading a dishwasher? First, it’s important to understand and analyze the process. For a dishwasher, this might…

Digital Hallucination

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It’s already been 12 years since Manfred Spitzer’s book „Digitale Demenz“ posited the theory that increased use of digital media could lead to mental deficits. The internet offers a wealth of information that we don’t necessarily need to memorize, as it’s quickly and readily available online. A study disproves the notion that the internet causes…

this is a birthday warning

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When I recently returned from my birthday breakfast in Berlin, I received a warning message on my phone during my journey on the S7 train towards Potsdam. The phone lit up and displayed a fire warning, even though I was not near the reported incident. Somehow, though, it seemed that the rest of the train…

A(i) Tools Garden

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Recently, I attended a training session on the use of Artificial Intelligence at my workplace. Contrary to my initial expectations, the atmosphere in the training was surprisingly positive. While they did highlight all the things one could do wrong and what to watch out for, the consensus was that artificial intelligence or large language models…